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Are you posting on social media and not getting any engagement or generating any leads from it? It might be that you are missing the next step in the process to turn interested prospects into viable leads.
With the social media funnel, you are going to take your content and invite people to go deeper with you. Short form videos, stories, and posts on your business page (or personal page) will use CTAs that invite people into a group to learn more and get more. In the group, you will nurture them with in depth information, behind the scenes, tips, and a sample of what you do with CTAs that are offers to do business. Those that are ready to go will opt in and become customers, while others will continue to follow along until they are ready. Either way, you will be building a pipeline of customers that continues to grow and creates consistent business for you.
A strategy that uses short form content to attract, long form content mixed with ongoing discussion, and CTAs that help your prospects move through the funnel will help you build a scalable business that is working 24/7 for you.