Datings Tips For Open Relationships Part 1 – The Funnel Method of Networking
The ‘Funnel’ Method of Networking is something I cover in full depth in the course but basically, you fill your “funnel” with many people so out of your funnel comes the 1, 2, 3 or more people that are very significant to you.
This also coincides with my “Intimacy Model of Relationships” (IMR) wherein all relationships begin with zero intimacy (intimacy defined as ‘how well you know someone’) and the intimacy develops from there. As you acquaint with each other, they either become more or less significant based on how you interact and interface.
(‘Interact’ is social dynamics. ‘Interface’ is logistics and environmental dynamics)
The method to fill your funnel with as many people as possible is something I call “TTMP” which stands for “Talk To More People.”
Acquaint yourself to as many people as possible without concern how it’ll pan out. Some will become more significant and some won’t. Everyone’s different and have different skill sets, strengths and weaknesses, so some people may require more implementing of TTMP and some not so much. Enhancing your ‘attractants’ – which I teach in the course – will make all your efforts more efficient and exponential.